Ghana data eSIM



US $36.25


10 GB


30 Days

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I have read and accepted the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. I also acknowledge that in order for the eSIM to work, my device needs to be eSIM compatible and not locked to any specific network.


This data package works on UNLOCKED eSIM compatible devices.
It provides 10GB of data valid over 30 days.

Product Duration:

Packages will last the full validity period as specified above, unless all the data is used before then. Any unused data will expire after the validity period ends. This package must be activated within 60 days from purchase. Activation occurs when the eSIM is turned on within the country or region it was purchased for.

Effortless Global Connectivity in
4 Easy Steps with Flux Wireless:

Step How Flux Wireless Works

Step 1

How Flux Wireless Works

Choose a country or region and a data plan.

Step Scan

Step 2


After payment, you'll get a QR code to scan.

Step Switch

Step 3


Set the eSIM as your default data connection.

Step Connect

Step 4


Turn roaming on when you land in your destination country.

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